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Sensory Assessment

A sensory assessment entails evaluating how your child manages the influx of sensory stimuli they encounter daily. By analysing their behaviors under various sensory stressors, the therapist can pinpoint potential underlying issues.

Where and How is it conducted?


The sensory assessment is a comprehensive evaluation that can be conducted in clinical settings, at home, or within the school environment. An occupational therapist observes the child's behaviors and responses to sensory input to gain valuable insights.

Which Issues are Suitable for a Sensory Assessment?

Here are some common issues that warrant a sensory assessment:

  • Sensitivity to noises or smells, leading to distraction

  • Rocking or shaking behaviors

  • Limb flinging or spinning

  • Light sensitivity

  • Difficulty with object manipulation

  • Challenges in perceiving temperature changes

Conditions Associated with a Sensory Assessment

  • Autism

  • Asperger's Syndrome

  • Acquired brain injury

  • Stroke


What Does the Sensory Assessment Evaluate?


The occupational therapist utilizes the sensory assessment to understand how your child experiences the sensory environment and its impact on their daily life. This involves in-depth discussions and practical assessments to identify sensory difficulties and their implications on function.

Impact on the School Environment

School environments often overwhelm children with sensory stimuli. The sensory assessment examines the classroom setting and the support available to your child at school. It seeks to understand how your child copes with sensory information in this environment, including any behaviors developed to self-regulate, such as shouting or rocking.


​Impact on the Home Environment


​Similarly, the assessment considers sensory input within the home environment. In a bustling household, your child may struggle to concentrate or engage in family activities due to sensory challenges.

​Social/Behavioral Implications


Children with sensory difficulties may exhibit behaviors deemed socially unacceptable as coping mechanisms. The assessment aims to identify such behaviors and provide strategies to manage them effectively.

What Information Will I Receive Following a Sensory Assessment?


After the assessment, the therapist will discuss the findings and their impact on your child's daily functioning. Upon request, you can receive a comprehensive sensory report detailing the assessment results, a tailored treatment plan, and recommendations for improving daily life.

Treatment Following a Sensory Assessment


Treatment options may include:

  • Sensory integration therapy

  • Provision of adaptive equipment

  • Education and guidance for parents and schools

  • Sensory play activities


In summary, the sensory assessment evaluates how environmental factors influence your child's behavior across various life domains, particularly in completing essential daily tasks effectively and efficiently.

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